Season 1 Trailer
Introducing: Moravian Mornings
By Casey Landolf and Maizie Plumley
Moravian Mornings’ hosts, Maizie Plumley and Casey Landolf, introduce Historic Bethbara Park’s new podcast series.
Casey Landolf
Maizie Plumley
Transcript for Introducing: Moravian Mornings
Both: Good morning!
Maizie: I’m Maizie,
Casey: and I’m Casey.
Maizie: We’re your hosts for Moravian Mornings, Historic Bethabara Park’s podcast.
Casey: We’re also tour guides at Historic Bethabara Park. I’ve been at Bethabara for almost a year. I was hired in September of 2019, so it’s almost been a year. I’m currently pursuing a Master of Arts in History, concentrating in Museum Studies from the University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Maizie: I am also a History master’s student concentrating in museum studies at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. I am a recently hired tour guide and I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge on the Moravians as we create this podcast.
Casey: Before we get started, we’d first like to say that it’s always morning here at Moravian Mornings.
Maizie: Join us as we discuss certain aspects of the Moravian history pertaining to Wachovia, which is basically Forsyth County, North Carolina.
Casey: Each episode we will discuss a different topic, such as Moravian clothing or trades important to the Moravians of this area.
Maizie: We will also be conducting interviews and discussions with those who have further studied these topics.
Casey: Our first episode will premiere in early August.
Maizie: Make sure to subscribe and follow our Instagram to stay updated.
Music (
Grand Piano Theme – Loopable by Lobo Loco (Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivatives: