A Historic Bethabara Park podcast
Moravian Mornings
A podcast discussing the history of the Moravians who settled in Wachovia. Hosted by Historic Bethabara Park tour guides.
Moravian Mornings was created to make the history of the site, as well as Bethania and Old Salem, more accessible to the public during the pandemic when digital learning was needed more than ever. Season 2 is set to premiere on August 5th. Available on most major streaming platforms.
Casey Landolf
Creator, Co-Host, Researcher, & Writer
Maizie Plumley
Season 1 Co-Host, Researcher, & Writer
Kait Dodd
Season 2 Co-host
Stuart Marshall
Season 2 Researcher & Writer
No future seasons are currently in development. Thanks for listening!
Want to be a guest? Want a topic discussed on the show? Email us!
Featured Episode
The Surveyor of Wachovia
Born on September 5, 1717, in Steinbach, Germany, Christian Reuter was born to a wealthy surgeon, but after he dreamt of wealth being a barrier to God’s true mercy, he and his family fell to an extreme level of poverty. The family traveled often, so as a child, Reuter was not able to attend a formal school. His dad attended his studies, teaching him mathematics. Around the age of 14, the young Reuter became apprenticed to Count Franz, a surveyor. After the death of Count Franz, Reuter became an apprentice to Franz’s brother, also a surveyor. After receiving his certification, he completed various contracts in the field, and at the age of 21, he received a commission as Royal Surveyor of Germany. This work took him near Moravian settlements, and this is how his relationship with the Moravian Church began. He eventually felt the need to join them and was received into the church in 1738. Reuter proved to be invaluable to the Moravian Church as he completed surveying work for them in Germany and took on multiple roles in Wachovia: surveyor, forester, superintendent, teacher of arithmetic and geometrical drawing.
Building Wachovia, Episode 4 | 12 mins